Saturday, March 8, 2008

Blogging Is New To Me

Well, I have decided to give blogging a try. I love reading other people's blogs, so I decided it would be a good way for people to get updates on me. Since I have metastatic cancer, I have friends and family who are interested in how I am doing. So, hopefully, this blog will give them the opportunity to check on me when they want to.

Just for a quick update about my cancer. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September of 2004. I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. Less than two years later, in June of 2006, I found out that I had metastatic cancer. I have what is called a "triple negative" cancer, which is a fast growing and aggressive cancer. I had a terrible experience with my oncologist because he didn't tell me that I had metastatic cancer. After calling his office several times, to find out the results of my CAT scan, I finally received the results in the mail stating that I had metastatic, stage 4, cancer. My oncologist, hadn't even called to tell me about my cancer. So, I changed oncologists! My husband, Denny, and our daughter, Julie, started making phone calls to any cancer places they could think of that might be of help to us. I met with doctors at OHSU and NW Cancer Specialists. I took that information to my new Kaiser oncologist. Again, I had chemo treatments (six). I finished them in December of 2006. My oncologist believes that everyone should have a chemo break, so I went off chemo for two months and then had a CAT scan. The scan showed my tumors were decreasing in size and no new ones were present. So I will not have chemo treatments again until my tumors start growing. I will continue to have scans every 2 - 3 months and my tumors are now, not measurable. I am considered in remission! This is unbelievable since my cancer is the type that is supposed to be fast growing and aggressive. I feel so fortunate and blessed to be having this "chemo break." It has been 15 months since my last chemo treatment.

Unfortunately, my hair did not grow back good this time. Last time it grew back curly and dark. This time it is again dark, but it is very fine and I have some spots in the back where my hair is very sparse. So I usually wear a wig or hat when I go out in public. The thing I dislike the most about my hair (or lack of!) is that it is a constant reminder that I have cancer. But I know how lucky I am to be in remission. With metastatic cancer, I know I will have to have chemo again, so I am really appreciating my "chemo break!" I feel that one reason that I am doing so well with my cancer is because I have a positive attitude. And the reason for that is because of the support I am receiving from my family and friends. I am the luckiest gal in the world to have such a wonderful family and wonderful friends. There is no way I could be fighting my cancer without their support.

So this is a mini update about my cancer. From now on, I plan on writing about more interesting things!

Love to you all,



NanaCarol said...

I am so glad to hear you are doing good. Hey don't worry about your hair. My hair if fine and sparce and I haven't had chemo. You are so dynamic and full of life that hair is so unimportant.

You may want to set your blog so you can receive comment. it says this blog does not allow anonymous comments. I am not sure it this will go thru but I will try. I miss all my friends terribly but this is a new adventure. I just found a place to live. This lady advertised on craiglist for a roommate. She is 58 and used to sing opera in New York. She is a kick and I think it is going to be fine. Funny her last name is De Paolo. Pretty close huh.

Well keep up the blog

Team Immel said...

I think you did a great job on your blog and you write wonderfully! I'm so happy for you that your cancer is in remission and you are on a break. you are my idol!!! I think you are absolutely gorgeous, with or without hair, with or without wigs/hats. Your beauty shines brightly from within. You rock!!!!

I'm looking forward to keeping up with you via your blog!


Anonymous said...

Way to go JO!!!!! Ya, talk about sparse hair on top...but you should see Bradley! ;)

Keep on LivingStrong!!!

Every Day on the yellow bracelet!!

(Stump on a raft! Cut a tie off of Denny for me!!!)

Anonymous said...

Glad things are going great, Mom. We love you very much. Keep up the good work!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Wow, your the best, the strongest and most beautiful!! The best looking with without hair! Your blog is outstanding, really!! It's well written, great pictures and informs just as you hoped it would!! I feel privileged just have known you for those great years at Hilhi and after, you truely are an inspiration for me and Rita. We are presently in Greece staying with Dave Nelson, he picked us up at the airport last night at 1 am and we talked until 4 am, poor guy, he had to get up at 7 to teach!! Rita and I slept until noon to catch up after 2 days of travel, yuk. Feel great now. We're going to tour the south of Greece with Dave in his old ford escort, it's a holiday Friday to Tuesday. From here we're going to South Africa for a week long photo safari then to Germany for a week long auto tour of on Germany's Romantic Road (Frankfurt to Salzburg Austria) Dam Euro is killing us but less to leave the kids!!! Dave is great, speaks great greek (I think) and is a great host!! He sends his love, and like me remembers the great times at Hilhi!!!!
Wow some run you stud-et?? Hi to Denny.
Rick H. also mention he went to Barb's funeral, very sad, tough battle to the end.
Again love your blog