Monday, March 17, 2008

Shamrock Run -We Rocked!

Julie, (our daughter), Lori (my sister-in-law), and I participated in the Shamrock Run on Sunday. Lori and some of her girlfriends, from Dundee school, decided it would be fun to do so they invited Julie and I to join them. We originally signed up for the three mile walk but changed it at the last minute to the 8K ( five miles) run/walk.

I haven't been doing much running, but Denny and I walk five days a week and we walk hills. So I decided I would run as much of it as I could and then walk some. Lori ran/walked with her girlfriends and Julie and I took off running together. At about the two mile mark, I told Julie to go ahead because I wasn't sure I could keep up with her. She is a great runner and runs at least five times a week. The first mile seemed like it took half an hour. Then the second mile was a killer. It was almost all up hill. So I was going to stop once I hit the two mile sign but I noticed we were going to be going down hill some, so I kept running. Then about at the 2 1/2 mile mark, we started up hill again. I kept looking for the three mile sign but I never did see it. But I could see that a lot of the rest of the course was down hill or flat. All of a sudden, there was the four mile sign. I knew at that point I was not going to be stop running. So, I ran the entire five miles! Before the run, I had thought that if I had the energy, I wanted to sprint at the end. So when I was about a block away, I sprinted as fast I could. It felt so good. I really was proud of myself and I finished in 58 minutes. I was four minutes behind Julie. I wasn't even sore afterwards and went shopping the rest of the day. I ended up with over 21,000 steps on my pedometer. I usually try to walk 10,000 steps each day. Julie said she ended up with over 30,000 steps because she parked her car a ways from the race site and also went shopping.

Running takes so much more time and effort for me now then it did years ago. When I worked for the Hillsboro School District, I would get up every morning at 4:45 AM and run for 45 minutes before I went to work. Still can't believe I got up that early! Anyway, it was so easy then because I would just get dressed and run out the door. How times have changed. To get ready for the Shamrock Run, I had lots of preparation to do. First of all, I had to put on my knee straps which I don't wear for walking but if I run, they help my knees from getting sore, then I had to put on my compression shorts to keep my flab from flabbing, then I had to put on my super-duper sports bra to keep from jiggling, then I had to wear a hat (even though it makes your head hotter) because my hair is so sparse in places, then I had to take an anti-inflammatory pill because my toe sometimes hurts when I run or walk. So I figured I had a six handy-cap before I even started the race! Oh, almost forgot, add metastatic cancer to that. Now I have a seven handy-cap! Plus, I had to put on my pedometer, cell phone, and I-POD. Like I said; it wasn't like the good old days when I just walked out my door and went running!

Don't know if I will run much in the future. I am satisfied with walking. But I like to set goals and challenges for myself. And I had decided that I wanted to run as much of the Shamrock Run as I could. So, I feel like I "stepped up to the plate" and met my challenge and goal. I feel very blessed to have been able to do that. I know how lucky I am to have the energy while having metastatic cancer. Hope it lasts for a long time, but if not, I can always think back on sprinting to the finish line!

Love to you all,



Team Immel said...

you not only rock jo, but you are a rock star!! look at you go girl! i'm so very proud of you!!! i loved the play by play commentary, i felt like i was right there with you cheering you on. you go girl. got a great laugh over the prep. isn't it the truth?

good for you!!!
can't wait to see you on wednesday and give you a big congrats hug!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe you ran the whole thing!!!! Awesome! I'll have to come down so we can all excercise together. Great picture on you guys, too.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

hey, jo ....great read. your just a busy gal. i cant beleive you ran all that way. i look forward to your next entries. you sure do have a positive always have and are greatly admired for it. oh...and you look great, too!
mary etta

Anonymous said...

Aunt Jo,

My mom said you and Julie rocked at the Shamrock Run! You're AWSOME!! I need to get my butt in gear so I can join you next time!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Jo, YOU are so right, the Shamrock Run was a great challenge for us "walkers" to give the running a GO! It was so wonderful to be there with you and Julie and the Dundee group. I must note that you kicked my butt by 5 minutes sister!!! I love you regardless! Lori OXOXOXOX p.s. Let's plan another day of "pain and punishment" very soon! heehee

NanaCarol said...


I am so impressed!!!! You are truly amazing and such an inspiration. My new roommate is a walker and bike rider and she says she is sparing me mercy. What have I gotten my self into. Everytime I want to make an excuse to not walk I will think of you.