Friday, August 8, 2008

Great Time With The K's

We went to Lake Billy Chinook for a few days to spend time with our friends, Dick and Jan. They have a great house up on the rim rock that overlooks the lake. The view is awesome and you can see several mountains but can see Mt. Jefferson the best.
We rode 4-wheelers to see some friends (The T's) who we don't see often enough. Ron taught and coached with Denny and Doug played basketball and baseball with Justin. They updated us on so many people that we used to spend lots of time with while living in Forest Grove. Darn, I didn't get a picture of them but here is Jan with Toby and us on their 4-wheeler.
They took us for a couple of boat rides on their new pontoon boat, which is awesome. It is the perfect boat for a lake. One night we BBQ'd dinner and had blended margarita's on it. What more could you ask for? It was perfect. Here are Dick and Denny on the boat.
There are deer that come onto their property to drink water and eat apples, etc. As you can see, one is a buck.

We drove home through Redmond and Sisters. We hadn't been that way for a long time and I wanted to check out some of the awesome shops in Sisters. (Amy and Carolyn, that should be our next trip!)

Thank you, Dick and Jan, for sharing your wonderful place with us. We really had an awesome time.

We are going to have Kyle and Tori here for the next couple of days and are looking forward to it. Hope all of you have a terrific weekend.

Love to you all,



Anonymous said...

wow! those are some breathtaking photos.....nuthin like a lil commuunnin with nature.....
looks like lots of havin fun, to me.
mary etta

Team Immel said...

gorgeous photos. looks like a great time! enjoy your week! i'll miss you at group if you're not there! xoxox shauna