Saturday, September 27, 2008

Not "Up To Par"

I get to write so often about the fun I am having and how good I am feeling. Well, this is not that type of blog. I am going to complain and tell you how lousy I feel! Sorry.

But first of all, on Wednesday, instead of going to my support group meeting, I spent time with some girlfriends. I met Kay for coffee. She is a special friend and old neighbor, who we lived by, when we lived in Tigard. It is always nice to catch up on what is going on with her, her family and friends. Then I met, Janii and Kay, for lunch. Janii is my friend that has cancer and she is doing terrific. She and her husband are planning a trip to Puerto Vallarta and Hawaii. I am so happy that she is doing well with her cancer. She is one "tough chick" to tolerate her weekly chemo treatments. (Tori always called me a "tough chick" while I was having my chemo and I love using that phrase!) Kay, is the registrar at Hilhi and we worked in the attendance office together. Students used to think we were sisters because we seemed to always dress alike. It was really quite, unbelievable. Kay would walk into our office and there I would be, dressed in the same outfit. But she is petite and I am "jumbo!"

On Thursday night, we met Sonny and Marion at Billygans for dinner. They are long time friends from when Denny taught and coached at Lake Oswego High School. We have been on several trips with them and we all went to Arizona for a month a couple of years ago. They are planning on building a house, not far from us. Can't wait to have them closer.

That night, I started to get a sore throat. The next day (Friday), it was a super-duper cold. So I spent the entire day in bed. I didn't get to watch Denny "test" his props on his racing boat. And today I didn't get to go to Tori's soccer game. So, I am feeling sorry for myself. Boo-hoo!

A problem I am having, it that I am suppose to go to Reno next weekend with four girlfriends. I'm not sure how smart that would be for me. The reason I am probably sick (also have an infection), is because my white blood cell count is extremely low. It is 2.0 and should be between 4.0 - 10.00. I am beginning to think about flying on the plane and being in the casinos with so many people. Gosh, I hate to not go. We have gone to Reno together for several years. If I wasn't sick now, I wouldn't even think about not going, even with my WBC counts being low. I will have to give that some serious thought.

Hope all of you have a great weekend. I plan on spending today in bed again. At least I am getting caught up on some of my recorded TV programs.

Love to you all,



NanaCarol said...

I'm sorry your not feeling better and hope your count goes up in time to go on your reno trip. When Mary Etta's wbc was low they would give her a transusion and that would pep her right up. I miss you guys a lot and hope to get up there for a visit at the first of the year. I can't use my vacation on March 1 but I think I have floater days so I am going to try for an early spring visit.

Team Immel said...

take care and feel better!!! i hope you can go to reno!! i loved reno in feb! big big healing hugs.

Anonymous said...

hang in there and get over the bug. it can be discouraging to not feel good and you will get better. just takes a little time. keep bloggin' and watch some good movies. flu season is creepin up so be careful and you will be fit as a fiddle befor you know it. by the way, there is nuthin wrong with feelin a little sorry for yourself once in a while.....heres thinkin bout ya,
mary etta