Monday, April 27, 2009

"Girl's Day"

We had a busy week. I went to my support group meeting on Wednesday. Thursday, we went to Kyle's baseball game in St. Paul and then left it early to attend Tori's music program at her school. It was real cute. Both kids had games on Saturday. Tori's was at the Dundee Elementary School. We arrived a few minutes early so we drove around the neighborhood and saw these deer in some one's yard!

Here is a picture of Kyle batting. He is a great hitter and an even better base runner. You can always count on him getting home if he gets on base.

I thought this picture of Tori on third base was cute. Julie is third base coach. Look how "ready" the third baseman is!

Now look to see where this third baseman stands! Guess Tori ran "around" him! It is so much fun to watch these kids play T-ball. After the team had batted, the coach was looking for his kid to go out into the field and he was over at the play ground playing on the equipment!
We brought Tori home with us so she and I could have a "Girl's Day." Denny had taken Kyle skiing and snowboarding the week before so I wanted to do something special with Tori.
First I painted her fingernails and toenails.
The next morning, she read a story to Denny and I as we all laid in bed.
Then we played on the Wii. She beats Denny and I every time when we bowl. Then she and I went to the Hannah Montana movie. It was really good and she was up dancing in the row of seats.Then we rode Max into Portland and walked around.
She was interested in the dirty people sitting on the sidewalks singing or playing instruments. But her favorite was a guy that had a long beard that came to a point and had TWO mohawks, one on each side of his head! Here she is sitting by one of the water features on one of the sidewalks.
She had to throw money into the fountain while making a wish.It was in the courtyard where the KGW broadcasts from.Then we went to Pioneer Place for some lunch and shopping. Here she is standing in the walkway between the two sides of Pioneer Place. She is going to have her ears pierced soon and watched a young gal having it done. Boy, she sure turned away quickly as she saw the "piercing guns." She bought some earrings that look like she has pierced ears.When we got home, we rode our bikes to the school so she could play on the playground equipment.

We both had such a great time. I will have to admit that we should have ridden our bikes and gone to the playground first and then gone to the movie last because I did get tired towards the end of the day. Great memories. I know how blessed I am to have enough energy to be able to do this.Hope all of you had a great week.

Love to you all,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! what a great time.....i must say, jo, you have amazing energy. ben had a game at dundee saturday, too. i thought i saw kyle with his scooter? huh? wasnt sure. sounds like great girl-fun for you and tori. no grass growing under your pretty painted toe-nailed feet.
mary etta