Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tori's Recital

Today was a fun day. I got up early and went to the Farmers Market in Vancouver, hoping to find some geraniums and a hanging basket. But I got there too early (8:00) and not everyone had their booths ready. But from what I saw, the flowers weren't that great. So I came home, changed clothes (had to dress for Tori's recital) and headed for the Beaverton Farmers Market because I knew they would have lots of flowers. I found the greatest geraniums. They were $4 a piece and worth every penny. The same ones sell for $6-$7 any place else. So I bought 6 and took them to my car and then went back to look around and ended up buying 4 more! I didn't find a hanging basket that I liked. So I headed to Sherwood where Tori's dance recital was going to be and I stopped by Al's Garden Center. Their hanging baskets were twice the price of those at the market. So I hope to go back to the Beaverton Market next weekend and hopefully find a basket I like. Here's a picture of the geraniums I bought.
Then I went to Tori's dance recital. She was Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz presentation. She had the biggest smile on her face the entire performance. You could tell she loved every minute of it. There were a couple of kids that stood on the stage and cried.
Tori had a smile on her face during the entire performance.
Tori with the two neighbor girls.
Kyle didn't feel real good that day (allergies) but I managed to get a picture of him and Tori.

Here is a picture of Scott, Julie, Kyle and Tori, oops, I mean Dorothy.

These are the kids and I with Scott's parents.

Notice how Tori is always posing!

We all enjoyed the recital and were so proud of Tori.

Hope all of you had a nice day and were able to enjoy the sunshine.

Love to you all,



Team Immel said...

OMG (oh my gosh) you have the cutest grandkids ever!! and tori is the cutest most adorable dorothy EVER and you take awesome photos!!!! OOOOOh what precious memories! i would have loved to have seen her be dorothy! i bet she made the best dorothy in the universe!!!

and the beaverton farmers market is right down the street from me. next time, call me and i'll meet you there!!!!!

what a fun weekend you had!!! i'm so glad!


Anonymous said...

what a lovely dorothy! tori is adorable anyway.....and kyle...just two cutie pies....
such fun times...building wonderful memories for all. they must know they are the light of gramma's life!

mary etta